Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Yee delivered a written statemenr to the explaining that the Boardc of Equalization is working withthe , , and the to find functionxs that could be consolidated. “Taking an incrementakl approach, consolidating those processes or functions where we have common business approaches will lead to immediats efficiencies with little or no investment on the part ofthe state’ss general fund for long-term gain,” Yee Members from the agencies met in May to talk consolidation possibilities, with likely candidates including call printing and mailing, electronic capturde and the entire process of processing tax returns.
The agenciesd are making an inventory of equipment and expertisr to see what can be sharedor combined. Yee was elected to the five-member board in November 2006 to represent the coastal regionsx from the Oregon border to SantwBarbara County. The BOE collects more than $53 billiojn annual in sales taxes, property taxes, use taxesa and fees. The Franchise Tax Boardf collects personal, corporate and bank taxes in California.

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