Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jim Ryan, Ryan Cos. CEO, dies at 66 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Jim Ryan, the CEO of , died Thursdayg morning. Ryan, 66, had been battling melanoma cancet for the past 10 During his career he helped buildRyan Cos. into one of the largesg construction and development firms in Jim became CEO of the companyin 1989, when he took over for his father Russell. He also was an active He helped establish theand , both in souty Minneapolis in 2007. Pat Jim’s cousin and business partner is expected to succeedc Jim as CEO ofthe Minneapolis-based firm, which had 2008 revenus of more than $1 billion.
In a statement, Pat Ryan “Jim’s goal was not to build the biggesy buildings or be the largest His goal was to build characte r inhis employees, build confidence in our customers and to builcd better communities. This world wouldx be a better placre if there were more CEOs withJim Ryan’s Jim is survived by his wife of 37 years Colleen, children Molly (Mike) Carson, Maggies (Craig) Allen, Kate (Zach) Tim, Nell, Dan, Sean and Tess; and six Funeral arrangements are pending. Among his many honors, Ryan of the Businesd Journal ’s Best in Real Estate Careed Achievement Award.
Jim Campbell, a retirede Wells Fargo executive and friend of 25 yearssaid he's neve known a more solid and wholesome guy than Jim "I've never ever heard anyone say a negative word abougt Jim Ryan, and that's from a wide varieth of sources." Ryan always had a visioh for what could be done, Campbell said. The former Seares building on Lake Street in Minneapolisx thatRyan Cos. helped transforjm into the MidtownExchange mixed-use projecty is a great example of his work. "Thagt building sat there, with the lights out for 10 yeares and he always had faith that somehow it woulddcome together," Campbell Despite so many challenges to that project, Ryan just kept plowingh ahead.
Campbell said Ryan Cos. is well situatedf to succeed in the future due to its strongfamily culture. "These are interesting times for all andRyan [Cos.] is committed to keep goin g forward just in the way that Jim had alwayxs envisioned."

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