Monday, October 3, 2011

New Web portal to streamline stimulus spending reports - Business First of Columbus:
This, in turn, will enable the federall government to providecitizens “with an unprecedented level of detaik into how their tax dollars are being spent,” said Peter Orszag, directort of the . “People will be able to see who isreceiviny funds, what projects are under way, how monet is being spent, and how many jobs are beingv created or saved,” he The Obama administration promised this levelo of transparency when the American Recovery and Reinvestmenft Act of 2009 was passed, but its Recovery.go Web site so far has failef to meet that standard.
Under new guidance issue d by OMB, prime recipients of stimulus funding must provid e quarterly reports via on totak funds receivedand spent; names of organizations assisting with a projectf and the amount paid to that organization; a list of including location and completion timelines; and jobs associated with each The site is expectef to be available for the quarterly report due Oct. 10.

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