Saturday, November 17, 2012

Amend, author Matthew Kelly taking
The Australian-born Kelly has lived in Cincinnato since 2000 and formed his nonprofit religiou sfoundation here. He and Amend managing partneras David Velie and Craig Todd have been workinyg over the past year on a business modelo todeliver Kelly’s brand of leadership training and life coachinyg to small and midsize Kelly already markets his Dream Manager program and speakinbg engagements, mostly to larger corporations, through his Chicago-basede firm. Local clients include , and U.S. T.D. Hughes, chairman and former CEO of , is a Floye consultant.
Robert McDonald, P&G’s chief operatin g officer, wrote a blurb for the cover of Kelly’sw latest best-selling book, “The Drean Manager,” published in August 2007. Market demand for the program has taken offsince then, Kelly “There’s been so much low-hanging fruit around this that we haven’ty really had time to work out how do we get at the midmarket-sizee company,” Kelly said. “They’ve (Veliw and Todd) really done the hard work in workinv out how do we get to that type of company and how do we get to them in away that’ss really going to affect theifr culture and their bottom line.

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