Saturday, November 10, 2012

Politicians want answers as rumors swirl NCR to leave Dayton - Dallas Business Journal:
Government officials said word began swirling in the community Thursdaty thatNCR (NYSE: NCR) is planning to move its headquarterse and 1,300 employees to the Atlanta area and make an announcement about the move this NCR Global Spokesperson Richard speaking by phone Saturday from confirmed that an effort was made for Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklaned and NCR Chief Executive Officer Bill Nuti to however they were not ableto Strickland’s spokesperson said Saturday that he is “continuingy to reach out to the companuy to have a direct conversation.
” When asked aboutg NCR possibly moving its headquarters out of Dayton, Maton said the companyu does not respond to rumors and NCR Corporate Spokesperson Alan Ulman responded to questions aboutg NCR’s plans with an e-mail messagwe Saturday that read: “We have no announcement In the past, NCR has been quicko to deny rumors of its relocation and affirmm its commitment to remaining in Dayton. The has repeatedlh sought information from the companysince Thursday, but NCR had not respondefd to their requests as of Fridayg evening, a development department spokesperson said.
Montgomery Countyy Commissioner Dan Foley said he is frustrated by the lack of Foley said he has asked multiplecompany officials, via e-mail, to respondx to the rumors, but has yet to receivr any information. Foley said he, along with other county, state and city of Dayton have met with NCR representative in the past in an efforg tosafeguard NCR’s local jobs. “Allo that said, nobody has confirmed to me that theie statushas changed,” Foley said “I have to assume that -- I I very much hope -- they are staying in Dayton, because our citizens have helpee build that company up to be world-class and will continue to do Rumors have long circulated that the company woulc move, however multiple government and economic development officiald said they reached a new level in the past few NCR is said to be seekinb about 100,000 square feet of offics space in Georgia, .
NCR is believe to have looked at sitesin Savannah, and Ga. Based on the square footage the operation could house about 300 to 400 according to realestate sources. Georgia governmentg and economic development officialsremainedc tight-lipped on any potentialp development. In October, NCR said it woule move its Worldwide Customer Services headquarters to an Atlanta investing $15 million and creating more than 900 jobs in the suburbxs of Peachtree City and Deluth. The state of Georgia providedc morethan $8 millio n in incentives, according to officials. NCR, founded locallg in 1884, is the Daytom region’s second largest with 20,000 global employees and $5.3 billion in revenude in 2008.
The company, whicu sells ATMs and retail automation systems, is Dayton’a lone remaining Fortune 500 company. At one time, the company had more than 18,00 employees in the Dayton area, but that numbetr has dwindled during the pastseveral decades. As recentl as two years ago, NCR had about 2,000 Daytonj employees. That number has declined by abouty 700 workers in the past several In 2007, NCR announced it was relocatinvg its executive offices to New York City and leasinbg an entire floor of the 7 Worl d Trade Center building. But, on paper, its headquarteras remained in Dayton.
In March, the compant also told employees it is undergoingb a structural reorganization and woulcd cut an unknown amount of itsgloball workforce. That same month, the company removed the language “worlr headquarters” from the sign at its Dayton though it said at the time it wasjust

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